Acting, Life and Show Business An Introductory Actor’s Workshop
Getting Started
Have you said, or thought these words? – I want to be an actress. Where do I begin? I just need to get in the door. This is a lot harder than I thought?
You’re absolutely right, you can… because – WE AREA ALL ACTORS – No matter whether you choose to be in front of the camera as an aspiring performer; behind the camera as a writer, producer, director; a CEO of a corporation, or clock in at a nine-five – EVERYTHING YOU DO, is part of the script “YOU” have written for yourself. And guess who the star is?… YOU… The ACTOR
When you look at your life as a production, with you at the helm, the leading character, what do you see? Better yet, if you sat in the audience and watched your life being performed on stage, would you want to rewrite the script, maybe recast a few people, change the set design, wardobe, or even the sound track? At the end of each day, we all have an opportunity to replay the happenings in our lives but we never equate these happenings to a script that we’ve written.
So with the understanding that pursuing a career in the arts is not different that pursuing a corporate job, we can now begin to breakdown YOU, thus learn the steps necessary to have a HEALTHY career in any capacity.
Next Workshop – Starting July 2023
Here are SOME of what you will learn to be on your way:
Unions/FiCore * Casting Sites * Self Tapes * Eco Cast Auditions * Eco Cast Live * In-Person Auditions * Slates * Reels * Pictures/resumes * Casting Directors * Agents * Basic Contract rules * Managers vs Agents * and more…
Here are SOME of the hands-on things you will do:
Write/Producer material for your reel * Mock Online Audition * Audition Teleprompter * Mock In-Person Audition and more…
4-Week Online Group Workshop – $200 (per person)
online group workshop for just Connect with a supportive community as we explore various topics and embark on a journey to your acting career.
4-Week Online Private Workshop Option – $375 (per person)
For a more personalized experience, Each session meets once a week for sixty-minutes. (Day/Time to be mutually confirmed by both parties)
Customized Private Session
Contact us to discuss a customized private session designed specifically to meet your needs. Let’s create a program that suits your goals and schedule.
I’m here to teach and guide you.
As a newbee to the business, trying to navigate the “rules” of an ever changing industry can be overwhelming daunting. The best thing that has happened for the aspiring artist is technology, and social media. You are now running your own studio, and marketing/PR firm. However, in order to take full advantage of these vehicles, you have some pre-production to do. And that’s why you’re here.
Not an aspiring actor – This still applies to you.
We are all on a Mind, Body, and Spirit journey. One without the other does not benefit you as a whole. For instance, you can change your diet claiming to eat healthy, but your mind is constantly spewing negativity, or you eat well, but you’re not active and your body is not getting any exercise, the “lack” does not contribute to the “whole”. All components of “you” must be working in conjunction with each other in order for “you” as a whole to flourish. All of the components are your script, and again, you are the lead character… The ACTOR!