Reclaim Haven * Services

Virtual Bootcamp

One on one virtual bootcamp – Defining and getting started with the new you.  LEARN MORE:   Bootcamp includes access to a private Facebook group for discussion and questions between sessions.


Rewriting Your Script – Life is but a play and we are the characters in it.  LEARN MORE: When you look at your life as a script you have written and people who you associate with are the actors you have cast to play the roles, are you satisfied? If you purchased a ticket to sit and watch your life play out as if it’s a Broadway show, a tv series, or a movie on the big screen, would you; want your money back, turn the channel, or walk out the theatre? If so, it’s time for you to rewrite your script. 

Redesign Your Blueprint –  The dictionary’s definition of “blueprint” is; a guide for making something — it’s a design or pattern that can be followed.  Draw up a blueprint and follow the design carefully.  LEARN MORE:  How many of us are following a blueprint that we have not designed? Or, do you have designs that no longer fit or  don’t choose to live by? There are so many roads to take when discussing or shedding light on old patterns.  So often we get a momentum going and find shortly after that we are repeating the same patterns. We follow the same blueprint and can’t seem to shake it.  It’s almost impossible to enjoy your new script when your life’s foundation is built from a blueprint that keeps you in turmoil. This workshop offers tools for you to make the change you have been desiring.

My Perfect Life Salons – How to live the life you envision.  LEARN MORE: This is a fun and interactive party that gets you in gear to see, create and be. The event includes food & drink, 

About the space you want to create

Next Event: Reclaim Wellness  Virtual Workshop

October 30 | 9am-10:30am PST

  • Terrah Bennett Smith – Rewriting Your Blueprint
  • Chef Babette Davis – Love Ur Age
  • Stephanie Singleton – Prana Wellness Works